Professional experience and entrepreneurial spirit have been the foundations of our artisan company “ Emme Promotion ” since the foundation in 1991.
The field of our specialization ranges from corporate promotion to promotional congress objects.
Our company combines the charm of the artisan tradition of leather goods creations with technological innovation and the search for new materials.
Know-how and trends are reflected in our articles.
For each item, our company takes care from the elaboration of the idea to the creation of the sample, passing through the selection of the most suitable materials, considering the economic factor, evaluating the functionality of the object produced and not forgetting the aesthetic peculiarity
Our modeling table is at your disposal:
YOU decide the design
WE design the article
YOU choose the material
WE produce the model and personalize it with your logo
We promptly create a sample of any item of your interest.
We guarantee the qualitative continuity of our articles and rapid supply.
We offer competitive costs on all products.
We ensure flexibility and commitment to meet your needs.
For 30 years professional experience, love for our work and entrepreneurial spirit are the foundations of our artisan company. On this basis we produce articles in which Know-how and trend, craftsmanship and technology, product quality and customer satisfaction arrive.
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